Day by day

Life has been a little crazy around here because we finally got some forward movement on getting the RV repaired and had to find a place to stay. Everything has come to a halt on the house since we aren’t there and recently I’ve been just focusing on taking care of the family and praying… Continue reading Day by day

She Shall Rejoice in Time to Come.

“Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.” — Proverbs 31:25 I have been seeking God’s word to show me what it means to be a godly woman so naturally Proverbs 31 has been part of that! Truth be told, I have not been laughing at the things we… Continue reading She Shall Rejoice in Time to Come.

Idols and Worldliness (Christmas)

This post will not be popular. (And that is kind of the point) Many things done today by people who call on the the name of the Lord are done because that is what they are taught. “I do it this way because my parents did it that way.” “I believe this and do this… Continue reading Idols and Worldliness (Christmas)

Mark of the Beast, Do Not Be Deceived

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.(Revelation 13:16-17 KJV) This… Continue reading Mark of the Beast, Do Not Be Deceived

Not for me….

The biggest argument I hear against God’s call to be godly women is “That is not for me today. That was for that time period!” Godly women are told specifically how to behave, dress and speak throughout scripture. This modern, man made religion that we live in today tells us that we don’t have to… Continue reading Not for me….

Beautiful Exhaustion

The days are ever so exhaustingly slow and at the same time fleeting and fast! We are all still figuring out life with a newborn. There is incredible beauty in all of it while at the same time….a lot of crying, tantrums(yes from all of us at times), walking, shhhhhing(is that a word?) aches and… Continue reading Beautiful Exhaustion

God’s Art Work

Not much is happening around the homestead right now as we settle into life with a new born and are having our RV repaired finally. I just wanted to share some of the beauty that surrounds us. We are waking up to the most incredible sunrises every morning as well as beautiful fall colors and… Continue reading God’s Art Work