The days are ever so exhaustingly slow and at the same time fleeting and fast! We are all still figuring out life with a newborn. There is incredible beauty in all of it while at the same time….a lot of crying, tantrums(yes from all of us at times), walking, shhhhhing(is that a word?) aches and exhaustion. Most of the day this is my view

while the other littles bounce, giggle and argue all around us. The time seems to go by at warp speed and yet the hours can draaaag on and on. Some days this whole journey feels lonely and useless and I struggle to keep Him first. Right now I’d be lying if I said I could see the beauty and the goal of it all, I struggle to trust in His words and promises. But I do know that if I keep holding on and leaning into Him than He will be faithful.
I am trying to take this time to study what God’s word says about being a godly woman and even that is a challenge… the sometimes constant bouncing, rocking, swaying, shhhshing and nursing makes it hard to focus on words!! I know that one day soon this little squish will be running around with the others and I will long for these days back. For now I am doing my best to bask in the snuggles, and sneak in as much quiet time as I can. I fail a lot right now…those failures are followed by repentance and then trying my best to do better the next day. I pray that my babies can see a godly woman and can arise up and call me blessed(Proverbs 31:28)
One day we will be able to give updates and fellowship with other saints….right now we soak in the cuddles, giggles, tears and chaos of life with four littles and pray that they see Him through us.