“A woman when she is in travail has sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembers no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.” John 16:21

If you know me you know how much I love pregnancy, birth and everything associated with it!! We welcomed our fourth beautiful baby into the world recently and I couldn’t have asked for a better birth experience!
Growing up I dreamed of having a large family, being pregnant, having natural birth experiences and nursing my babies to the best of my ability. Because of this dream, both Timothy and I did our fair share of research so that we could do our best to ensure these things happened. We knew God created women’s bodies to bear children and our modern healthcare system often times does not allow that process to take place. So we have always faught for our birth experience and refused to let anyone scare us into anything that wasn’t necessary.
My first three births were incredible but they were all accompanied by chaos either in the process or directly following it and I knew things could be better.
This time around I am still in awe at how beautiful and fulfilling the birth process can be when you just trust God with it all. We found an amazing homebirth midwife who was able to quell all of my fears and anxieties from past birth experiences and all the pain and sorrow of birth, even my past experiences, has been turned to joy because a beautiful new life has been born into our family. Another “arrow” has been added to our quiver. A precious new soul that has the ability to win more souls into God’s Kingdom has been entrusted to us and we are thrilled beyond measure, soaking in all the newborn smells, cuddles, nursing and coos.
Please forgive us if we fall more behind on the blog in the next few weeks as we adjust to life with four tiny humans. We love you all and are praying for you. We will be updating as the Lord leads us.
Brittany from A Family Serving The King