General Update 7/18/21

As some of you may have noticed, it has been a while since there was a post. This has been due to a variety of issues technical and otherwise. However, this trial has passed and both Brittany and I are now able to post. So the posting will resume for both of us, Lord willing!… Continue reading General Update 7/18/21

Easy Grace

“Raise your hand if you want to be saved…” “Repeat after me…” “Welcome to the Body of Christ…” Does this sound familiar? Is this what your church promotes? Is this what God’s holy word promotes? Is this the gospel? This is what I was presented with week after week, year after year, in all the… Continue reading Easy Grace

Driveways and Addresses

Home… Most homes have an address and driveway to get you there. A simple addition of a culvert to what was a raw piece of land makes a large difference. All of a sudden a previously unreachable piece of land is reachable with a vehicle. Parking in a ditch is no more, and large equipment… Continue reading Driveways and Addresses

When You Love Someone…

When you love someone you… watch them walk out in front of a car? let them go sky diving without a parachute? watch them walk into a burning building? No! You would grab their arm and pull them out of the way of the car. You would warn them that the parachute was never installed.… Continue reading When You Love Someone…


Why Do I Follow Jesus? Jesus came down to earth as a babe born of a virgin, lead a sinless life, died a horrible undeserved death by crucifiction upon the cross with my sins and all the sins of humanity laid upon him. This made Him my perfect sacrifice and offering for all my transgressions… Continue reading Testimony